Contribution makes us grateful for who we are and what we've got. I wanted to share the note below as a special reminder to you all that helping others brings us all so much.
If the credit crunch is getting you down - get out and do some good work!
''Dear Gingerbread I want to wish you Happy X-mas and a Happy new year. I want to thank you for the food you sent us for Xmas, IT WAS A TRUE GOD SEND!We had no idea that we even stood a chance of winning anything!I only receive £40.78 income support because of an over payment in 1999 and £43.00 child benefit for 3 children even though I have 4. I don't get child tax credit because I got an overpayment when I was working for 10yrs. So I only receive about £80.00 a week , I've had to send one of my children part-time to his dads because I can't afford to look all 4 of my children. I was sitting in my front-room thinking how was £40.00 going to buy us all Christmas food and drinks. I couldn't even afford to buy x-mas presents for my children. There was a knock at the door and a man and woman handed my daughter a hamper of food. I broke down in tears and prayed to God saying Thank You. I had £40.00 in my purse! I paid £10.00 on my gas and spent the £30.00 on soft drinks and pudding and 4 new pj's for my children. We was in shock but soooooooo greatfull. I will be back in employment next 2009 I pray to God!But I hope next year I too can return the gift that was given to me in my time of need to someone else. Once again all I want to say is Thank You Gingerbread and all your team that support your group. Thank you from me and my children Happy New Year.xxxxx
posted by Tracey Carr at