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Welcome to evesdropping...

My name is Tracey Carr, and I run eve-olution and Gender IQ to advance women in business. My blog is an insider's view of the lives of working women, including my own, revealing the top secrets to success.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

How one woman became CEO

A couple of weeks ago I promised to share how the 6 Distinctions of Highly Successful Women Seminar helped one woman to make the decision, hence the transition, to becoming CEO of Tele 2 in Croatia.
I remember Malin Holmberg's attendance in 2009 very clearly as she was a shining example of a highly talented young woman who was clearly capable of anything she desired. However, like most of us (with multiple responsibilities) she had reached a point where she needed to reflect on her journey and clarify her future direction based on her own values and beliefs.
This is what she said recently (three years after attending and now CEO!):
"Attending Tracey's seminar in 2009 helped me clarify my priorities and what would be important to me going forward in my career as well as personal life. I especially appreciated the work we did around staying true to yourself, your values and ideals and being authentic. Tracey is a great coach who assists you in pinpointing your own core beliefs, without pushing her or others' points of view upon you. I highly recommend this to anyone who feels the need to take a few minutes to reflect upon what will be the right direction for them in the future."
Malin made the decision that ALL successful (fulfilled) women make… To work on herself and not just on her job.
Generally, it seems to me that women today have truly become the most autonomous, independent, educated and powerful generation in recorded history...
And yet... With all this opportunity, WHY are studies showing that we're feeling less happy, more lonely, unwell, and depressed than ever before?
Did you know that:
  • 50% of us are now living alone without a partner
  • One in five of us is on anti-depressants (not counting those of us who feel unhappy and unfulfilled)
  • 6 out of 10 of us can't sleep at night and experience overwhelming financial stress
Even though we're succeeding at levels never seen before in the corporate world and launching small businesses left, right and centre, 95% of us never feel fulfilled. In fact, the term ‘Having it all’ has become a joke!
If you feel that it would be useful to know how to go beyond overwhelm and get certainty about your future by using eve-olution's proprietary techniques, then please come! The tools you will learn were developed by Tracey as a single working mother (based on a decade of research with the world's most successful women) and you can learn about them with this one-off opportunity (over 50% off) by booking here now for the 29th and 30th of November at Google’s trendy shag pile carpeted offices! Oooh!
If you want to know how Malin went from being a senior woman at Vodafone to being CEO at Tele2 and how she discovered her values to help guide her decisions, then book here now.
If you dream of having your own business that suits your lifestyle then come and find out step by step how to do it!
If you cant be there in person then please join us via technology: click here now to find out more.
This is such an exciting event. We literally can’t wait and hope to see you there!
Thank you to our sponsors...
Google   Skatta TV   Careers City

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The key to your abundant success

Over the next 6 weeks in the run up to the seminar I am going to share some of the 6 Distinctions of Highly Successful Women (based on 10 years research) and I’m even going to share some thoughts from one of the delegates who attributes the seminar as an important part of her personal journey to be ready for her current CEO role.
Authentic Living (Leadership)
Being authentic is the key to your success. Below are some pointers.

• Speaks her truth

• Keeps quiet to keep the peace
• Looks for opportunities to shine

• Keeps head down and gets on with her work
• Works toward an exciting vision

• Works for money
• Takes care of herself physically, emotionally and mentally

• Suffers from high stress levels
• Tries to listen and understand

• Judges and criticizes people and takes a fixed position
• Makes decisions from her centre

• Doesn’t know the difference between her centre and her head
• Sits with challenge until the process brings peace

• Reacts to external stressors and is sometimes embarrassed about outbursts
• Manages time (families/partners and work) in structured way

• Never has enough time and never knows what’s important
• Lives and leads by her values

• Doesn’t really know what her values are
• Makes decisions based on values

• Easily influenced by others opinions
• Feels certain most of time

• Feels uncertain most of the time
• Knows how to manage fear

• Lets fear stop her
Mastery = taking responsibility for your life rather than reacting to the illusion.
If you would like to learn how to build a business case for funding to send two days with us at Google’s amazing new offices in Soho please click here. It is unlikely to EVER be at this price again
Thank you to our sponsors...
Google   Skatta TV   Careers City

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

Friday, 12 October 2012

You have probably already heard Tom Daley's secret to success. When he took to the diving board for his final dive, it was far more than just the culmination of years of hard work and training. It was a moment he had dreamed of since he was nine years old. The eighteen year old 10-meter diver showed a drawing he had done in a diary of himself competing, written under the headings "My ambition" and "My Diving Medals".
Eve-olution has been teaching visualisation techniques since 2001. In the early days some people dismissed it as pop psychology but now science confirms that we are literally programming our minds with our thoughts. In other words thoughts become things.
Do you know where you will you be in the next five years? What have you achieved in the last five years? Have you experienced boredom or frustration recently? Does it often feel like you are trying so hard but nothing is working? Does it sometimes seem like your boss or society wants you to be out there "doing, doing, doing" when what you really need is time out to think about and plan your future?
Will you choose today what you want to have in your life or will you settle or worse drift? Is your life great but not great enough? Would you like to know how people have become CEOs of large corporations or started and grown their own businesses using eve-olutions proprietary techniques?
If you are ready to take your life and career to the next level then we have an amazing oppoortunity for you. Google are sponsoring Tracey's next seminar on the 29th and 30th of November at their incredible state of the art new offices at St Giles Square.
Google Offices   Google Offices
What this means is that we have been able to slash the cost of attending by over fifty percent - yes, that's right. For the first time the cost of this world renowned transformational event is £497 instead of £1250. You can read more about it and reserve a space on Tracey's personal site here http://tracey-carr.co.uk/seminars/
If you are ready for some clear, honest and deep work that will allow you to uncover the real you, then come. If you want to take the time to stop and uncover the forces that drive you, then come. If you are ready to own your deepest desires then we will give you the plan and the strategy that wil get you there. Guaranteed!
Make a commitment today about the next 5 years of your life. Places will go on a first come first served basis. Almost all major organisations have supported this seminar in the past decade and you can find out how to build a business case here: http://tracey-carr.co.uk/seminars/
We hope to see you there!
The Eve-olution Team
P.S. True wealth is measured by how many times you can say you have had a truly fulfilling day!
Thank you to our sponsors...
Google   Skatta TV   Careers City

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

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Location: Guildford

International Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach. Tracey has a passion for advancing women in the workplace. Tracey ran her first Seminar for Women Leaders in 2001 and has helped thousands of women around the world with their careers, dreams and aspirations. Working with hundreds of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies who are keen to advance women in enterprise, Tracey's seminars and initiatives have been enthusiastically received on 3 continents. She continues to push for radical change in corporations and backs up her respected and sometimes controversial opinions with her ongoing research. Tracey is currently writing a book that will address gender, power, and politics for women in the workplace and at home. Tracey is available for key-note talks, conferences and forums.

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