Special announcement

2009 wasn't the year that we sat around lamenting the reduction in investment of Leadership development. We took the opportunity, instead, to re-invent our business to better suit your 21st Century needs.
As many of you know, we are now well on the way to delivering a full suite of management development modules incorporating leading executive interviews via web technology. Thank you so much for all the positive feedback. Many companies are licensing the full suite for your internal use which is great. However, if you wish to pay for yourself you can go the website and register for one or all of the workshops here www.genderiq.tv
Also in February we are kicking off our exciting new project 'Grab your future by the horns' which is being hosted by Cisco who have kindly given us the use of their futuristic Telepresence technology (pictured above) If you would like to take part in this event then you can do so free of charge ...either by attending and experiencing Telepresence at Cisco or by dialling in from anywhere in the world at 12.30pm on Thursday 12th February.
Please don't miss this opportunity to get some great coaching on achieving your goals this year in an exciting and innovative environment.
Please mail me on tracey@eve-olution.net and tell if you are interested in attending or dialling in.
Wishing all of us an energetic, different and exciting year.
With passion!
posted by Tracey Carr at