50 Shades of .....
50 Shades of Influence
- Seek first to understand and then to be understood
- Be interested not interesting
- You have two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you speak
- Speak from your heart not your mental chatter
- Approach everything with 'beginners mind'
- Keep an open mind ...there is no possibility in being 'right'
- Words account for 7% of the message you convey so give them 7% of your attention
- Give 93% of your attention to your inner thoughts, physiology, voice tone
- Stand 3cm taller
- Carry a good pen
- Make good eye contact
- Have an inner dialogue that says I'm OK and you're OK
- Be your word
- Show up
- Seek to serve not to take
- Assess your intention from the primary twin drivers of 'love' and fear' Eliminate fear
- If you are selling, get through the no's quicker
- If you are selling - talk to the people, then talk to the people and then talk to the people
- Every situation has a win/win outcome, there is no need to 'win'
- The new economy is about community ...build yours
- Base your relationships on trust
- Your network = your net worth. Nurture yours
- Be pro-active about building a high net worth network
- It's not what you know, it's who you know (old cliche but still true)
- Nurture yourself
- Every day write down everything you are grateful for
- Buy a very expensive suit or jacket
- Pay attention to grooming and look polished
- When making important phone calls stand up
- Focus on your outcome not then thing you don't want
- Make your power moves before important meetings whether on-line, in person or on the phone
- Ask lots of questions and find out as much as you can about people
- Smile
- Learn to say no and enjoy saying yes
- Decide what you want to be famous for
- Under-promise and over-deliver
- Up-skill as a coach or a speaker because qualifications (business skills) count less as your career progresses. 'Who' you are matters most
- Know your values and stick by them
- Remember that there is no right and wrong, just differences
- Don't allow yourself to be bullied or undermined
- A true leader wants to learn ..always
- Remember that people are doing the best that they can with the resources they have
- Write a book
- Craft and practise your elevator pitch
- Craft your time management skills
- Make sure that your personal brand is consistent across all social media
- Get coaching. Always
- Stay humble
- Feed your soul
- Be yourself
posted by Tracey Carr at