Mindset and Manifesting tools. Number 2
Life can sometimes require that we reflect and maybe this is a reflective or quiet time for too. If so, save these M&M (Mindset and Manifesting) tools for later and be gentle with yourself.
On the other hand if you are raring to go and have fully embraced the concept of CANI from tool number 1 then you will know already that fear can hold us back. That little four letter word is all pervasive and I see it everywhere in behaviour that isn't fully present and in the moment. How often do you witness a person fully embracing life? I guarantee it is a rare sight to see somebody fully in the flow and doing whatever life presents without filtering.
What happens when we filter? We make up stories about why we shouldn't do something or we justify why something wont work. We intellectualise so that we can be 'right' or we follow logic only, and rarely trust intuition. In other words we block off the power that is flow.
The second manifesting tool then is .....learn how to deal with fear.
A while ago I said I had done a radio interview on fear and I now have that hour long, content rich radio interview. Below is a link to a file that you can download as an MP3 ...listen on your i pod as many times as you can until you fully grasp the concepts and then ....go and practise! Knowledge is no good without action.
Radio interview on FEAR
posted by Tracey Carr at