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Welcome to evesdropping...

My name is Tracey Carr, and I run eve-olution and Gender IQ to advance women in business. My blog is an insider's view of the lives of working women, including my own, revealing the top secrets to success.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

So here we are ...three weeks into 2011 and the new decade and I haven't caught my breath.

There has been more demand from you this year and that is a very GOOD THING. The world is faster and more competitive and so we need to be personally responsible for our own success. There is no such thing as a safe job any more and no such thing as a safe harbour. In other words ...the days of coasting are gone.

I have had lots of questions re my new Elite coaching programme so here is some feedback.

I am running two parallel programmes this year. One for business owners and kitchen table entrepreneurs, and the other for corporate women.

I have separated them this year because I really want to get specific on things that are important to you.

For instance, have you thought about how you package yourself, and your offerings if you own your own business? How you package and present yourself and your products will determine the fees you can charge.

If you're working in the corporate world, have you thought about your branding? Is the feminine unconsciously perceived negatively in your organisation and, if so, what are you doing about your personal brand? By not doing anything you re also choosing your brand. Think about that.

Have you decided how much money you want to make this year? How are you going to get there? It isn't voo doo or magic and it isn't rocket science...there are formulas. I know because I have built a multiple six figure business, scaled it back to being a life-style business when my family needed me and now I am about to launch again - bigger and bolder. This elastic band needs the stretch! I will follow the same formula that worked before and has worked for thousands of others.

This picture is on my dream board. I took the picture on our last holiday to Corfu. My dream is to have a house on a hill in Corfu. What's your dream and how are you making that happen?

 Successful people always invest in a life time of learning. How can you get anywhere without a map and better to buy the map from somebody who knows the territory.

The good news is I am not telling you to change who you are or what you do. When I work with clients one-to-one on leveraging their skills, it's typically finding these points of LEVERAGE that can be capitalized on, and often it's just an issue of repackaging what you offer and how you offer it.  (and yes that means in a corporate career too)

I am super excited this year as I am launching a new business myself and it will either succeed or fail because that's the name of the game. But the reason I'm excited is because I have had to go right back to basics in developing the plan, creating the vision, holding myself accountable and knocking on every door until my arm drops off.

I would love to take you through this process with me whilst it is fresh in my mind. Begin with the end in mind ....what does your future look like and how are you going to get there? Can I help?

For more details of my Elite one-to-one coaching programme please email tracey@eve-olution.net   and I will be happy to share how I am going to take you through a step-by-step format designed to help you make FAST CHANGES in your business or career

And if that's not for you we have a special one day event packed full of fun and new discoveries designed to help us all get back our MOJO ...I was thinking about it on my run last week

Thoughts from my run   (excuse the wild hair)

You can book here Yes please ...getting back my MOJO

Love and success,


PS -- Did you see the BONUS PACK? There is a two tickets for the price of one offer if you book before midnight on January 31st

posted by Tracey Carr at 1 Comments

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Parenting teenagers

As we race into the new year, one of the things that strikes me is this ....if your children are unhappy or your family life is dysfunctional you will not reach your potential this year or even your goals.

One of the hardest times for parents is the turbulent teenage years. It is critical  that you are aligned as a family, in other words, if you teenagers are causing the family to have a metaphorical car crash once a week - how can you concentrate on your future dreams and aspirations? Survival then becomes the order of the day and excitement and happiness can be lost for many years without constant effort on your part (yep, sorry it is all down to you)

For all of these reasons I have created a new free resource called 'Parenting Teenagers' and you can  join the group here for daily tips and inspiration and support. You can also post questions or comments or tips.

If this isn't for you then please pass this onto somebody else as it is a much needed FREE resource.

I believe I have the experience to help parents get the most out of this period. I have been a single parent for 10 years and have three teenage daughters who are also commenting in the group with their perspective. During this time I have also been running a business and I personally believe that raising teenagers is one of the most challenging and demanding times of our lives.

Perhaps we should ignore the moods and hope they go away? It's a strategy if you haven't got time for quality parenting but my only philosophy is always to begin with the end in mind.

What does your relationship with your son or daughter look like in 10 years time and how are you going to get there?

Happy New Year and happy parenting

p.s. here is today's tip from the group:
Tip: Teenagers have hormones which, sometimes, make them sad or unpredictable or even angry and frustrated and it can seem like they have lost their sense of reason and proportion. Self esteem can be low. This is YOUR chance to STEP UP and give great support, coaching, advice ..seek first to understand and then to be understood. Align and then re-direct. Do something pro-active and positive. Get them to think about their dreams and create goal maps. Re-connect them to possibility. GO!

parenting teenagers

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

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Location: Guildford

International Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach. Tracey has a passion for advancing women in the workplace. Tracey ran her first Seminar for Women Leaders in 2001 and has helped thousands of women around the world with their careers, dreams and aspirations. Working with hundreds of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies who are keen to advance women in enterprise, Tracey's seminars and initiatives have been enthusiastically received on 3 continents. She continues to push for radical change in corporations and backs up her respected and sometimes controversial opinions with her ongoing research. Tracey is currently writing a book that will address gender, power, and politics for women in the workplace and at home. Tracey is available for key-note talks, conferences and forums.

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