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  • ...the question is not 'why' but 'why not?'

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Welcome to evesdropping...

My name is Tracey Carr, and I run eve-olution and Gender IQ to advance women in business. My blog is an insider's view of the lives of working women, including my own, revealing the top secrets to success.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Women leaders taking steroids

I don't like the word feminism and I don't call myself a feminist. I prefer to think that I am giving other women a leg-up where I can ....apparently something that is woefully rare in the sister-hood.

Why don't women help other women as a general rule?

I am full of questions and frustrations and even anger this week. I can see how so called 'feminists' get angry and then get labeled militant for being loud and vocal. I am really, really cross about the ingrained stereotypes and unspoken witch-hunts and if you think I have lost the plot...just read here

  The Independent - Gender Gap

But don't stop at the article ....read the thread afterwards and then tell me what you think and if that doesn't galvanise you into proactive action, nothing ever will.

I don't have a magic wand or any simple solution. I am doing my best by bringing solid fact-based information regarding biological brain differences and the need for a wider range of leadership styles rather than the all-male testosterone fuelled aggression that brought about the credit crunch  (and that is not all men by the way, any more than all women are 'feminine' )  I sincerely hope, that after reading the thread in the Independent link , it will motivate you to push for your companies to license http://www.genderiq.tv/ and mandate ALL employees to watch them (yes women have a lot to learn too)  and then measure understanding and demonstration of that understanding. This wont cure misogyny but we have along way to go and we need to start NOW.

Now is not the time to be hesitant or cautious. If the old system is put back together in the same way then we deserve what we get and we wont get to choose.

If you can't influence your organisation then you can at least make sure you are doing your best for YOU - take control, read some books, get some personal development - come on our seminars. Authentic Leadership incorporating Gender IQ     Do whatever It takes to move form being passive to being in control.

If I haven't persuaded you yet that we have a real issue on our hands then consider this: Chairman of the board and CEO of Lehman's (Richard Fuld)  when it went down, refused to listen to his senior staff about the iceberg they were headed for and was known to deal with challenges with white knuckle aggression. He dealt with one 'challenger'  by threatening to ram his fist down the critics throat and rip his heart out.

I know that some women are taking steroids to compete with this kind of aggression.

Here's the rub ....softly, softly, don't make too much noise and let the status quo remain. If that's the case most women (and most men) will opt out rather than take part in that kind of insanity

Or, I urge  you do something. Make a stand. Push for change. Let us collectively say that we don't want our Organisations run by men like Dick Fuld.

If not now ...then when?

'A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'
Margaret Mead

Please forward this blog to as many people  as you know who want change.
I am taking a break this week .....watch out for our new launch in September - we have so many great new products and services for you!

posted by Tracey Carr at 2 Comments

Thursday, 12 August 2010

From my 15 year old daughter

I just got this from my fifteen year old daughter

'Tomorrow I will write my speech about ALL the negative aspects in the world, then become a world leader. Can't isn't in the dictionary'


What will you do tomorrow?

posted by Tracey Carr at 1 Comments

Sunday, 8 August 2010

'Adapt or die'

Times are changing rapidly

How quickly can you and do you adapt to change?

I just read an interesting report that shows an increase in confidence regarding the economy but a worrying decrease in confidence across all aspects of leadership, especially in HR!

Here are the bullets:

  • In the economic climate increased to 55 percent from 40 percent;

  • In their leadership teams overall decreased to 72 percent from 82 percent;

  • That their firms have the right people and skills decreased to 64 percent from 73 percent;

  • Their organizations have the ability to execute on vision decreased to 64 percent from 73 percent;

  • That their firms have the ability to change as needed decreased to 55 percent from 60 percent;

  • Their own personal leadership and management skills decreased slightly to 88 percent from 91 percent; and

  • In the organization’s strategy making process decreased to 54 percent from 63 percent
You can read about this research here

HR confidence sliding

The ability to change is a key personal and organisational skill and I have written about this before. In fact, it was one of the key topics at the last Authentic Leadership seminar that I ran. My personal take is this - life will never be the same again and change is now a constant.

If you find change hard and are tied to old working paradigms and old change management methods then it might be time to re-evaluate. You have a software programme in your mind that has the potential to keep you in the past unless you know what you need to do to change it.

Change is easy with the right tools.

And on that note I too decided that today was the day for me to write (sorry draw)  a new goal plan for the next two years. The last one I did was in 2001 and I achieved everything on the goal map despite very difficult circumstances. If you have been on my seminar you will have seen my goal map and know that when I drew it I had a chronic fear of speaking in public.

I had to change.

I also see the seeds of change beginning to sprout new leaves out there ....for the first time ever (in 10 years)  my next seminar is mostly booked up by people who have paid for themselves to attend. People who recognise that they are now in a time when they need to take responsibility for themselves. You too can book here 

Every single successful person that I know - without exception - has spent tens of thousands on their own personal development.  I personally am heartened to see that people are acting for themselves. Nothing will have a more dramatic effect on your life than moving from passive to engaged in your own development.

Here's a quick 30 second fun video that I made called seminar memories. Join us in September....if the seminar doesn't do what I promise (dramatically increase the quality of your life) I will give you your money back.

seminar memories

Don't worry if you can't join us in September I will do my best to give you whatever I can via the blog and through new media products which will be out soon.

Above all - live with passion!
p.s. Darwin said 'adapt or die' ...it seems relevant for today

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

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Location: Guildford

International Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach. Tracey has a passion for advancing women in the workplace. Tracey ran her first Seminar for Women Leaders in 2001 and has helped thousands of women around the world with their careers, dreams and aspirations. Working with hundreds of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies who are keen to advance women in enterprise, Tracey's seminars and initiatives have been enthusiastically received on 3 continents. She continues to push for radical change in corporations and backs up her respected and sometimes controversial opinions with her ongoing research. Tracey is currently writing a book that will address gender, power, and politics for women in the workplace and at home. Tracey is available for key-note talks, conferences and forums.

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