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Welcome to evesdropping...

My name is Tracey Carr, and I run eve-olution and Gender IQ to advance women in business. My blog is an insider's view of the lives of working women, including my own, revealing the top secrets to success.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Agressive bitch or too girly to succeed?

It has been an interesting day!

I decided to be bolder with my messages and tell it 'like it is' based on the many thousands of women that I have had the honour of coaching over the past 10 years.

We had a wild response! Thank you. We also had two people unsubscribe because they didn't like the swear word and one complained about the American spellings. However, the majority loved it -edgy you said and progressive.

If you didn't see the email today I have copied it below for your interest.

The world is moving on ...are you moving with it?

More importantly, are you joining us in September for a wild time?

Let's face it...

As women we now have more

responsibilities than EVER before..

As women we often put others' needs

before our own needs.

As women we have to manage the kids, the

career the finances and our health,

.... And always...

....We put ourselves last.

It's crazy.

The trouble is we don't create clear boundaries.

That's because we feel we don't have the 'right!'

And what's the result of all this internal conflict?

We're often overwhelmed and exhausted by everything.

Yet, nurturing is in our DNA. We're natural team

leaders, peace-keepers and community-builders.

Yet, women in particular, feel like failures if

they don't deal with everything.

This can be a huge barrier to progress at work.

That's because companies want strong leadership.

I know from listening to many thousands of

you that you feel the conflict.


Damned if you do and damned if you don't


No wonder you can be unfairly labelled

an "aggressive bitch" if you're too strong or

called "girly" when you aren't seen as being


This double bind confuses us all on an unconscious level.

Before you know it, we've become ISOLATED and

INEFFECTIVE, surrendouring our feminine power!

However you don't have to surrendour, feel overwhelmed or

feel guilty. You can be powerful, authentic and have all the

time for all the people you care about - including you!

So, if you're a woman who...

- Is frustrated and exhausted with the pressures of your

life but can't seem to find an easier way to manage it all.

- Slogs through your days just checking things off your

'TO DO' list while secretly fearing you'll never even scratch

the surface of your true potential.

- Has no idea how to be truly powerful at work when the

culture and politics dictate you be something you're not!

- Has a lingering void inside you haven't been able to fill no

matter which goals you reach.

- Wishes you knew exactly where to turn to for a clear

path on how to make this puzzle of life work and show you

specific actions to get there.

- Actually enjoys a level of success (professionally or personally)

yet STILL senses something is missing...

...you're in the perfect place RIGHT NOW!

That's because you can join other wonderful and

inspired women at a landmark seminar.

This is a seminar that has been presented in Boston, USA

and Singapore. As well as being presented in London.

This is a seminar that has been presented internally to

Lloyds, Barclays, Vodafone, Serco, B & Q and EDF to name a few

And this seminar has been reported on BBC Radio Four

and on American Radio. And been mentioned in

the Daily Telegraph.

This seminar is titled the Authentic Leadership Seminar.

"... Inspirational seminar..."

"Thank you for a very engaging and enlightening two days.

You are a real inspiration to all of us. Keep spreading

the message!" Katie Ledger, Channel 5 News, ITN

At the Authentic Leadership Seminar you get 2 days of high end

coaching from me, Tracey Carr.

Click here to book now http://www.eve-olution.net/services/booking.asp

Why should you listen to me?

Well, I'm an International Professional

Speaker and Peak Performance Coach.

Also. I've worked with and coached some of

the most successful women leaders in the world.

When I coached these high achieving women I

noticed they had certain common traits. These

traits meant they were able to combine life

and work commitments with extraordinary success.

Now you can discover their same extraordinary success.

That's because I've included these core traits in my seminar.

At the seminar you'll discover:

"Bossy bitch" or "Too girly" - you don't have to be labelled a 'bloke in a skirt'

or lose your feminine power...discover the real meaning of


At last! Eliminate your fears forever using the powerful

secret of the 'Stop Technique.' Amazing.

Revealed - how to manage your priorities and balance your different

roles in your life. You'll stop feeling as though you are

pulled between home and work. And you won't feel as

if you should resign and pack in your career.

Discover the difference dealing with different genders

in the workplace so you eliminate any potential conflict


One little known secret to managing conflict and politics

in the workplace. You'll understand the "rules of the

game" and still maintain a highly visible profile within

your company.

How to build instant rapport and trust with

anyone you meet by instantly realizing what type

of person you're dealing with. You'll be amazed how much

easier it is to build a working relationship and get more

work done.

I could go on and on what you'll discover. But I

don't have space here. However there is one really

important thing you need to know. That's how to...


Tap into the power of your mind to

get what you really want in life


You'll also discover how to change the way you think.

That's because you'll discover the power of your

unconscious mind. And how your unconscious mind

might be hindering your progress in life right now.

However once you leave the seminar you'll know

exactly how to program your unconscious mind so you achieve

the life you've always dreamed of. Not only this

you'll also discover:

How your childhood experiences could be making you self-sabotage

your success.

You'll be able to burst through this barrier forever.

The five behaviour traits which reveal if you're

a 'hurry up' driver or a 'be strong' driver. Or are you trying to

please everyone all the time?

What leadership style is natural to you by using

the 'Funeral Exercise'. Sounds weird but it's

highly effective.

How you can finally achieve your goals by using 'Risk Assessment'.

This secret method is dead simple and never fails to work.

How you can avoid being sucked into company politics.

Avoid the back stabbing, petty jealousies

and rivalries that can occur in company teams.

Why your corporate image could be stalling your career progress.

And much, MUCH more

In addition you'll also...


Discover the same tools that enabled me to

build a thriving career against a background of

suicide, divorce, betrayal and financial ruin


Here's what makes an Authentic Leadership seminar different to

other development seminars.

The seminar will shape you at every level -

financially, emotionally, mentally and physically.

My seminar does this by giving you the tools that

I have used personally (not from a text book). These

tools enabled me to not only survive but thrive against

some horrific life experiences that include suicide,

divorce, betrayal and financial ruin. Not only that, I know

how it feels to never have enough time because I have

brought up three children on my own and had a highly

successful career

I teach from the heart and only teach that which has

had the most profound effect on my life. That's

because I have studied personal development as

an obsession for 3 decades - psychology, NLP, transactional

analysis, spiritual journey, emotional intelligence and

I have developed my own female-friendly tools to help

you mange your time

Anyway, no need to take my word for it - here are what previous

attendees to my Authentic Leadership Seminar have to say:

"... Brilliant Seminar..."

'I wanted to thank you again for giving me the opportunity

to participate in your truly brilliant seminar; you are a

very gifted coach and I feel that I took so much away

with me. Huge thanks.' Cleo Thompson, former Global

Head of gender at Price Waterhouse and Cooper

"... Can Now Concentrate On What I Want... "

"Even as a high "DI" I have filled my diary with prompts and

tasks and now keep with me in my mind the vision of what

I want (although I did already know, but now also know

that I am going to get it!!)" Jo Williamson, Lloyds

"...Challenge My Feelings of Fear..."

"I learnt to challenge feelings of fear and assessing if my

expectations of myself are reasonable. I've also settled down

into my role at work and spend time thinking about

what is really important to me." Jessica Colling, Vielife

"...Enlightening Motivating Seminar..."

"I found the 2 days enlightening and motivating.
Tracy Back, Lloyds

Once you depart the seminar here's what you'll

take with you.

When you leave the seminar you won't feel over-whelmed.

You won't feel lacking in power. You won't feel guilty.

You'll have overcome all these negative feelings. And you

be able to go forward and have the rewarding career and personal

life you deserve.

Why can I say this?

That's because I've seen at first hand how an Authentic

Leadership Seminar changes women's lives for the better.

I've seen women attendees arrive close to breaking point

And two days later they're a different positive person. It's

almost like magic.

You'll be excited. You'll have a vision for your future. You'll

have better relationships with the people you work with

and with your partner and family at home. You'll get a

huge injection of self confidence and self-esteem. You'll

finally get what you want from life.

You'll also have made friends with a group of like

minded women who're going through the same

experiences as you. Friends you'll want to stay in

contact with. Friends you can confide in. Friends who

can give you any emotional support should you need it.


21 Day support afterwards so you actually use

the tools and techniques you've been shown


You'll receive a 28 page personality profile developed

by Minnesota University. This means you'll

be able to discover your strengths and weaknesses.

And concentrate on those areas which need urgent attention

the most.

Plus, you'll receive a goal plan for the next five years. Map

out your goals so they finally become achievable. And you

enjoy the rewarding life you're meant to have.

Plus you'll get a 21 day email follow up. For 21 days

after the seminar you'll get a daily email from me. Every day

I'll send you an email to keep you on track. The

email could include a short video... an audio message...

a reminder of an action to take... a screen shot of an

important point from the seminar...

This daily email helps you to maintain focus and provides you

with the support to carry you forward.

Look, imagine discovering the strategies that can literally

transform your life for the better. Imagine having

an inner peace knowing you can strike the right balance

between work and home. Imagine having it all!

So how do you enrol in the seminar?

The next Authentic Leadership Seminar is at Lythe Hill.

Here you can relax and be pampered throughout your stay.

You'll enjoy luxury 5* accommodation and

waiter service. Plus, you get access to all of the Spa's


So reserve your seminar place today. The 2 day seminar

is on 23rd and 24th September.

Click here to book now http://www.eve-olution.net/services/booking.asp

If you reserve your place in the next 14 days

you'll receive a £200 early booking incentive. That's

because I offer a discount for those women who

book two months before my seminars.

Click here to book now


Only a few seminar places still available


Please reserve your place today. Here's why:

Places are limited on this seminar. That's because

I prefer to coach smaller groups. So there are only

10 seminar places available. This way there is more

opportunity for more interaction between you and me.

And you get more out of the event.

However, four seminar places have already gone.

Those places have been booked. Obviously that

leaves just six places left.

Also, please reserve one of the six places

available today for two more reasons.

1. This email is being received by over 4,000 women

working in the corporate world.

2. I'm not sure if I'll be running another Authentic

Leadership Seminar in 2010. That's because my

Diary for the rest of 2010 is frantic. Of course this

could change. But please don't count on it.

If you need more info on me or the seminar click here  www.eve-olution.net

Reserve your place today!

Click here to book now http://www.eve-olution.net/services/booking.asp


Receive a full unconditional refund -

Plus £100 If you're not delighted


I guarantee you'll get a lot out of this event. So I want

to remove any financial doubt you may have.

If you're not delighted by my seminar's content,

come and see me at the close of Day Two. And I'll

give you a full refund.... PLUS an extra £100.

Why would I do this?

The answer is simple. I want you to be absolutely delighted

when you attend my seminar. And if I've got to offer a

super strong guarantee, then so be it. In fact I'll even extend

my guarantee to cover the next 12 months.

If you don't see any improvement in any of the areas I

cover in the Authentic Leadership seminar...

... Then I insist you contact me for the full refund plus

the £100. You can even contact me on Day 364 and still

get the full refund. That's because I stand fully behind my

seminar guarantee.

However, in 10 years of presenting any of my seminars

None of my attendees has felt the need to ask for their

money back.

So you're risking nothing when you reserve your place today.

This seminar isn't a luxury. You need the solid life

and career enhancing content it contains. So I urge you to

Reserve your place today. You'll be glad you did.

Click here to book now http://www.eve-olution.net/services/booking.asp

I look forward to seeing you in September.

Tracey Carr

Chief Executive

PS. You can check out the seminar venue at the Lythe Hill Spa web site:


PPS. Here are some more comments from seminar attendees:

"... One of the Best 'Return on Investments' I've Made in Years ..."

"My doubts were blown away with a thought-provoking, pragmatic

and commercially orientated workshop - delivered professionally

and at a blistering pace!

The tools/techniques and processes learnt will stay with me and

the ongoing support/challenge from my fellow delegates, stimulated

with great discipline by Tracey, will endure. Truly one of the best

'return on investments' I've made in years... Thank you!"

Joanna Slevin, Head of Strategy & Planning, Lloyds TSB Group.

"... Now Have a New Life Trail To Follow..."

"As a genuinely sceptical person with regard to self assessment

and motivation, I did not believe that I would gain enough from the

course that could re-align my thoughts on the subject, let alone

re-align my direction in life. However, I was amazed. I am still

amazed. One and a half months on I still have motivation on the

subject, which must be a first from a course for me and am

continuing on my new life trail." Michelle Stodell, Project Manger, Serco.

"... The Course Has Made Me 'Go For It...'"

"The course has made me "go for it!", be more organised in my life

and also made me realise that having balance in your life is really

important." Emma Satchwell, Compass Group

"... Turning Point in My life"

"I'm still putting into action the skills learnt on the course. I

especially found the life mapping good as it helps me to focus on targets and

half of my targets I have achieved so far. It helped me fight for pay

increments and gave me back my sanity at a time where I was at

my lowest ebb." Fiona Lynch, Compass Group

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Life is busy busy for me at the moment and I am learning a great deal about what makes me tick, what excites me, what motivates me, what sustains me...and the flip side of the coin..what robs my energy, what demotivates me and what floors me! It is my belief that, at times of high intensity, all of our behaviours become exaggerated and are put under the magnifying glass!

I was reminded of who I am by Julie Meyer at a small gathering last week organised by the wonderful networking group WiTT http://www.wittgroup.org/ which was  held at Coutts Bank in the Strand

Julie Meyer is one of the leading champions for entrepreneurship in Europe. She is the well known founder and CEO of Ariadne Capital, founder of Entrepreneur Country, co-founder of First Tuesday, dragon on BBC's Online Dragons Den and weekly columnist in London's City A.M. She also earned awards as Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, World Economic Forum Global Leader of Tomorrow and a place in the Wall Street Journal's Top 30 Most Influential Women in Europe.

Phew! Are you tired just reading it?

I go to a lot of events and hear a lot of key note speakers and so I was intrigued when I entered the room but what I didn't expect was to leave in tears! Julie spoke passionately and eloquently about the life of an entrepreneur and what makes them tick. She is the only person I have ever heard speak on entrepreneurship who really seemed to know the song in my heart and was able to sing it back to me.

Leading can be a lonely path. Mixing with others who are like you (networking) is vital. Do you network? Where do you network? Do you  have a strategy? As women we can easily say we 'dont have time' ...I suggest to you that you MUST! One of the best places for women to form bonds and networks is on our Authentic Leadership seminar held at the beautiful Lythe Hill Spa  http://www.eve-olution.net/services/seminars.asp   Please join us in September if you want to be part of this fantastic supportive environment

My 15 year old daughter was networking last week too. Thanks to Linda Kennedy, Head of People at Orange, Grace was privileged to get a weeks work experience at Orange and she loved it! They gave her a fantastic work experience and she was offered four more opportunities by the end of the week. A big thanks to Orange!

The message this week is about the importance of getting yourself out there....watch this space, I have something brewing!

With passion!

posted by Tracey Carr at 0 Comments

Monday, 5 July 2010

Yo Sushi Founder - tips for success

I have had an amazing and very busy couple of weeks since my last blog….we finished all the remaining films for our Gender IQ series. Contributors include Professor Joe Herbert from Cambridge University who told me about the differences in testosterone levels between men and women and the effect this has on behaviour. Professor Herbert was the man behind the study on effects of testosterone on a City trading floor..some of you may have read about that..what did you think?  Another contributor who had some valuable insights was Ed Smith who sits on various boards and Chairs the WWF but interestingly also sits on the advisory board for the advancement of women in sport. The same gender differences play out in sport it seems and especially in the area of visisbility and networking!

If you would like to view any of the webcasts, remember that there is a whole set of resources including comprehensive workbooks, research, articles and a Q&A function that comes straight to my in-box. Each film includes an interview with an industry leader and is synched to Power Point for added information and you can watch each film as many times as you wish. There is an incredibly small charge of £25. Less than the price of a good lunch …go on what are you waiting for ? …Learn how the hidden barriers caused by a lack of Gender IQ could be holding your career back and get some real practical management development at the same time. Click here for further information http://www.genderiq.tv/webcasts#ixzz0so4BGhQ2

I am always investing in my own learning and spend a large proportion of my time at events, in coaching and mentoring or reading. The world is changing rapidly and it is becoming increasingly more challenging to stay ahead of the curve so last Friday I went to an all day Speakers event. One of my favourites from the day was Simon Woodroffe who founded Yo Sushi and was a Dragon in Dragon’s Den. Did you know that he left school with 2 O levels and didn’t start Yo Sushi until he was in his mid forties? His story was great to listen to and he had some good practical advice for us such as the following bullets. I hope you like them and use them.

• Spend 90% of your time doing what you’re good at

• Become a well developed person with good character (work harder on yourself than you do on your job)

• Record your goals and then spend 30 days programming your mind to DO IT

• Develop a certain amount of ‘f*ck it’ syndrome!

Until next time...do you remember that Supertramp song ....The Logical Song? I cant get it out of my head!

posted by Tracey Carr at 1 Comments

My Photo
Location: Guildford

International Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach. Tracey has a passion for advancing women in the workplace. Tracey ran her first Seminar for Women Leaders in 2001 and has helped thousands of women around the world with their careers, dreams and aspirations. Working with hundreds of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies who are keen to advance women in enterprise, Tracey's seminars and initiatives have been enthusiastically received on 3 continents. She continues to push for radical change in corporations and backs up her respected and sometimes controversial opinions with her ongoing research. Tracey is currently writing a book that will address gender, power, and politics for women in the workplace and at home. Tracey is available for key-note talks, conferences and forums.

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