Find out what your unconscious driver is
This is the final in this series of insight into the 6 Distinctions of Highly Successful Women.
Over the past six weeks I have focussed on what it takes to lead from the inside out as that is what matters most. In fact, I would go so far as to say who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you are saying.
If you have already booked to attend the seminar then you will be given a questionnaire to discover your unconscious drivers. These are programmed responses from the past and they can become a source of stress for ourselves and others. Here is a little insight into the results…
If you aren’t coming to the seminar then you can probably guess your own triggers. Try to understand where your driver comes from (often things that our parents told us) and work on bringing better balance into your life. If your driver is causing you to use over-extended behaviour on a regular basis just breathe and ask yourself if there is an alternative that could be better for yourself and others.

However, day two will take a dramatic turn in energy and we will be focussing on and visualising a massive personal dream. (Goals don’t work. If they did, we would all be happy)
Sometimes people come up with an idea to write a book or to become financially free or to start a business or to be CEO. At the beginning of the process I say ‘nobody will ever tell me that they can’t do something by the need of this process so think big’. In ten years not one person has told me that they still can’t achieve their goals. They have gone on to grow businesses, take up CEO positions, give up smoking, come off Prozac, finally get the body and health they want or meet the man/woman of their dreams.
The reason it works is because it is system I have developed personally. In other words you won’t find it in a textbook because it is unique. It only works.
The final distinction is 'Take Care of Yourself First' because you will be no good to anybody else if you don’t. Your fulfillment comes from looking after yourself and If you have set massive goals or are chasing a dream that makes you feel alive there will come a point when you feel overwhelmed by what you have to do or by the responsibility you have taken on. That is when you need to be strong and dig deep into inner reserves. You can’t be strong if you don’t know how to keep your body in a peak state for energy.
Here is a short home made video on what I do to do create peak state energy. Without peak energy not much else is possible (unless you are 22!)
I sincerely hope that this mini series has given you some good insights into what my proprietary system is for achieving health, wealth and happiness.
To your success!
PS. I only have two spaces left for next week's event if you would like to join me and thirty other extraordinary women for two amazing days at Google. You can still book here. Hurry, don’t miss this opportunity to make 2013 the start of something extraordinary for you, for your families and for your career!
PPS. You cant solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it!
posted by Tracey Carr at
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