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My name is Tracey Carr, and I run eve-olution and Gender IQ to advance women in business. My blog is an insider's view of the lives of working women, including my own, revealing the top secrets to success.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Feel Guilty

In my research and in my coaching I have identified the top reasons why we feel guilty

  1. Working Mothers are guilt ridden about the time they spend away from their kids
  2. Diet or lack of diet in this body conscious age
  3. Over-indulgence ..even a Latte can sometimes break the bank or the waistline
  4. Increased numbers of couples complain about a shortage of affection which also compounds guilt for working women
  5. Pressure on women to achieve the Super-woman ideal. Inability to achieve the impossible fosters guilt and feelings of lack

It helps to know that we all deal with the same feelings from time to time and also to know that there are solutions which can help you to feel on top of it all and achieve it all.

I call it Juggle not Struggle and have devoted the past decade to finding solutions to all this overwhelm!

In my work called ‘The 6 Distinctions of Highly Successful Women’ a core part of the 2 days is given over to the women to talk about whatever they want.

Did you know that you can now have access to this insider knowledge? You can now listen to what high achieving women say about what strategies they use to go beyond overwhelm and office politics!

For the first time ever I have created, especially for you, the 6 Distinctions Success Kit, with live commentary from executive women in business with real life issues. You will be amazed at what they say behind closed doors! We guarantee it will make you laugh out loud! You will also have access to a wealth of information that can sky-rocket your career and create peace and tranquility in your life instead of guilt and fear.

This session was held at a private meeting for a renowned seminar I lead. These women paid £1250 to join me for two days.  Until now it has only been in small, intimate private groups that I have shared this deep material – which is the more advanced strategies to be aware of so they can overcome their own up leveling challenges.

At first I debated sharing this session publicly, as there is a lot in here that is very personal to me and at times a bit emotional too, as you’ll hear on the audio. But the feedback I received was so encouraging to me that this information NEEDS to get out there and into the hands of more women (and men) that are serious about success. And they encouraged me to  release this particular event as a product.

So now the opportunity is yours to take!

I am nervous but here goes: I am making available the entire recording of this exclusive “closed door” session— for just £137.

However, if you buy now and within the next 8 days you can pay in 3 monthly installments of just £57. This is my special gift to you as I know it will brig value to you for many years to come!

You can download this audio INSTANTLY and listen to it on your computer or upload it to your iPod or other mp3 player.

ALSO you get the complete 120 page workbook, career guide and many articles and links to videos to enhance your experience.

You’re going to LOVE having this product in your success tool-kit and being able to listen to it over and over for many years to come.

Click here to listen to the hilarious segment on whether or not to Botox  http://tracey-carr.co.uk/success-shop/6-distinctions/

This is an insightful and stimulating journey because of the caliber of women who attended. We had a Harley street Psychic, BBC journalist and Author and plenty of corporate women and entrepeneurs too. We shared for two days, learnt loads and had lots of fun.

Women who go through this programme report to me that it has long lasting effects

It’s now yours to have and use in your life and your career to make a masterpiece of your future and the life you truly deserve.  

Don’t leave your career or your business or even your life to chance and trial and error.

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job

With passion
Tracey Carr

Ps I just heard from one of my attendees, Fiona,  who went through this programme 10 years ago and she said she has achieved all her long term goals and now needs to set some more. You will learn about this infallible goal setting system in your Success Kit. By the way her goals seemed unachievable to her at the time. One of the things she wanted to do was put her son through private school and she now has the satisfaction of knowing that she did that.

A thought-provoking, pragmatic and commercially orientated workshop”
“As business leaders, we focus on the importance of ‘development’ for our people, whilst all too often, investing in ourselves comes way down the list of priorities.
I was intrigued by the GQ™ (gender intelligence) aspect of Tracey’s programme and was keen to understand how this translated into business relationships in the boardroom. So my intent was to go along and ‘observe’.
It’s fair to say that I had some initial reservations/cynicism around an ‘all women’ programme – team hugs/fire breathing feminism is not my bag! After all, isn’t it the guys that we need to help understand how women do leadership ‘differently’. My doubts were blown away with a thought-provoking, pragmatic and commercially orientated workshop – delivered professionally and at a blistering pace!
The tools/techniques and processes learnt will stay with me and the ongoing support/challenge from my fellow delegates, stimulated with great discipline by Tracey, will endure. Lasting friendships have been formed!
Truly one of the best ‘return on investments’ I’ve made in years… Thank you!”
Joanna Slevin, Head of Strategy & Planning, Lloyds TSB Group, attendee 2010 

“I was amazed. I am still amazed.”
“As a genuinely sceptical person with regard to self assessment and motivation, I did not believe that I would gain enough from the course that could re-align my thoughts on the subject, let alone re-align my direction in life. However, I was amazed. I am still amazed. One and a half months on I still have motivation on the subject, which must be a first from a course for me and am continuing on my new life trail. I have also shared some aspects of the course with friends who have embraced the challenge and are now also thinking about their direction. Yesterday, I ordered my new planner!”
Michelle Stodell, Project Manger, Serco. attendee 2008

“The course has made me ‘go for it’”
“When I came on the Creative Female Leader Course I felt frustrated, held back and didn’t see how I could move forward within the company. This was mainly due to having a negative boss. Since then I have been promoted into a role that couldn’t be filled even though it had been advertised for many months! In my old way of thinking I would have thought “It’s too soon since my last move”. Also the sector I have gone into has been standing still for some time. Instead of thinking “I don’t want to be part of that culture” I thought that I could really make a difference and improve things for the company.
Tangible benefit? I could have left and they would have to pay lots more to replace me and still wouldn’t have got anybody for the other position which would have resulted in more people leaving and probably the loss of some contracts. The course has made me “go for it!”, be more organised in my life and also made me realise that having balance in your life is really important.”
Emma Satchwell, attendee  2003

“It was quite a turning point in my life”
“I’m still putting into action the skills learnt on the course. I especially found the life mapping good as it helps me to focus on targets and half of my targets I have achieved so far. It helped me fight for pay increments and gave me back my sanity at a time where I was at my lowest ebb. The ‘think positive thoughts about yourself’ was great and I achieved a great feel good factor from that. However I would benefit from a 1 day refresher to refocus me on those positive vibes as at those dark times you can forget to think well of yourself. I probably talk about or think about the course most days and I can honestly say that it was quite a turning point in my life. I use the organisation process a lot and have found that my things to do list has dramatically reduced to a manageable level. The “touch a piece of paper only” once was brilliant and has saved me many many hours of pontificating and missing of deadlines.”
Fiona Lynch, attendee 2002

posted by Tracey Carr at


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Location: Guildford

International Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach. Tracey has a passion for advancing women in the workplace. Tracey ran her first Seminar for Women Leaders in 2001 and has helped thousands of women around the world with their careers, dreams and aspirations. Working with hundreds of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies who are keen to advance women in enterprise, Tracey's seminars and initiatives have been enthusiastically received on 3 continents. She continues to push for radical change in corporations and backs up her respected and sometimes controversial opinions with her ongoing research. Tracey is currently writing a book that will address gender, power, and politics for women in the workplace and at home. Tracey is available for key-note talks, conferences and forums.

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