Be realistic - plan for a miracle
The loudest message was that you are getting lots out of my blogging and I am very grateful for all the kind comments and support that you sent me. It is nourishing to know that you are sharing the ideas with your teams and that you find my thoughts to be of so much benefit to you personally.
Most of you said that a quarterly newsletter was your preferred option and the blogging requests were fairly evenly slept between one and two weeks. Most of you prefer written words to videos. However, some of you would like a video or visuals sometimes.
Onwards and upwards then! I am inspired to carry on blogging away to my hearts content knowing that you are reading them and getting so much out of them. I am glad the need for the more formal newsletter is less frequent as I prefer the more informal blogging as a way of speaking to you. The next newsletter will be re-launched in September and will bring you news of our new product launches and news of the launch of as well. Exciting times!
I have just competed another Authentic Leadership seminar and it was amazing. What a fantastic group of women - both corporate and entrepreneurs. Most of us have been thought some pretty tough times in the past couple of years and some of us are still. The corporate world is still uncertain and people in some organizations are feeling vulnerable and unsure. We had lots of discussions last week about how to manage feelings of uncertainty against the backdrop of an uncertain world. My key tip now, as ever, is ... the only thing you can ever be certain is you, so build your inner resources, decide what you want out of life and then execute a plan for getting it. With the right vision, correct mental and emotional strategy - nothing is impossible.
Sales of anti-depressants have gone though the roof during this recession. It is much much simpler to find out how to think, feel and act like a winner regardless of external circumstances.
How about this?
'Be realistic - plan for a miracle' - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
With passion,
posted by Tracey Carr at
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