Women in Leadership - tear up the rule book
So ...tear up the rule book, look for new ways to do things and lead with a feminine set of skills, traits and abilities that include collaboration, using intuition, communicating with your team and using a transformational leadership style instead of a transactional one.
This may be harder to achieve than it sounds because women face the 'double bind' which is that you will be damned if you do and damned if you don't. In other words - if you are directive and transactional you might be called too 'ballsy' and if you are collaborative and transformational you might be called too 'soft' This double bind only appears for women as a man might be called a good leader if he is direct and strong. She can't win either way and it is women as well as men who will condemn her if she 'gets it wrong'.
So what do you do? Decide who you are and plan who you want to be as well as what you want to do. Wite yourself a set of promises and goals and find an accountability partner.
Navigating the seas of politics will be easier when you accept that the Leaders' job is to set and maintain the culture. Remember - leading is about being in front and that means that there isn't anybody to follow.
If all of this sounds too conceptual then measure and assess the culture by how people are talking to each other - are they bitching and back biting or are they supportive and goal orientated?
If it is the former then you must go about tearing up the rule book and find ways to work on the culture using your femine strengths of intuition, communication, collaboration and honesty. Work on the culture until it is what it needs to be for you all to grow together.
If enough women did this we might just have a chance of making the change that the world is calling for.
With Passion!
posted by Tracey Carr at
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