Fast, Fast ....women leaders STOP!
The Summer flew by. I had three teenage daughters at home and they didn't start filing out of the house for productive work until the first week of October! Sometimes it felt very much like I was living in student digs and against this backdrop I have been beavering away getting our product suite ready to launch and working with our trial groups who have bought the first batch of products and services, whether that be the amazing File for Life (time management planner that includes a monthly wheel of life) or our newly launched on-line learning. During the Summer I was standing at the post office sending planners to France, The Netherlands and Spain or sitting at a cafe in Ibiza editing the audio content of our 2 day seminar plus trying to get my head around the massive subject of internet marketing. And the 12 months work that I put into the Gender iQ project is finally paying off with clients having various ideas about how they would like to use the product for internal use.
Now then, how did that paragraph make you feel? I wish I could include the feelings of overwhelm and panic in trying to meet my deadlines or production dates and keep all the plates spinning amidst the teenage backdrop of hormones and family need.
My point is this: We all need to go fast if we want to keep up with the current pace of change against the back-drop of a double dip recession. I am heairng that people are scared and feeling out of control. Nothing is familiar or dependable. And when you feel like that it is time to STOP!
When you feel overwhelmed or scared you need to go within. Find the still, small quiet voice or intuition and ask for direction. Do whatever it takes to calm down and reflect. Go to a beautiful place or just take the time to really see your own surroundings and get present.
At these times of trouble there are great opportunities but you can't and wont see them if you are running around like a headless chicken playing somebody else's tune or working towards somebody else's mission. Do you have a mission of your own? What do you want to have or be in five years time? I guarantee that most of you are saying 'I don't know!' If you don't know, now is the time to work on yourself. In fact, work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
I just ran another 2 day break-through seminar with a wonderful group of people who all came with some pretty hefty questions. This is what happened after.
"Wow! what a difference a week makes.....I've just had some really lovely feedback about how the seminar has 'obviously been good for me' as my new authentically positive and enthusiastic approach has come to the fore. There has even been a comment on how I fair 'skipped' into the office on Monday morning - I think they're wondering who I am, and what have I done with Liz?!"
It might be time for you to STOP and look around to make sure your ladder is against the right wall. How will you do that?
And while you are answering that question I would be so grateful if you would take 5 minutes to tell me what products and services you would find most useful in this short survey tell us what you want
My mission is to share with you everything I know and my purpose is to empower women to be, do and have everything they want in life. I know it can be done and I want to share that knowledge with you!
With passion,
posted by Tracey Carr at 10:14
Tracey, you are very wise.
I have just started a business of my own - following my dream - after years in corporate life, and tryingto adjust career goals to fit with family.
My first career bombed when I had my first child - I was expected to pick up where I left off prior to maternity leave, working 4 days out of 5 in Munich, but nominally based in London - for a blue chip UK telecoms company no less with many many women on the payroll - and leave a three month old baby at home with someone else for those four days. No concessions were offered, and none were forthcoming when requested. My decision was to quit. I was suffering from post natal depression and too unwell to cope with the stress of an unfair dismissal suit, so I just quit.
Ever since I have struggled to juggle work and family. My earnings potential has back slid enormously.
Finally, I have had enough of playing someone else's game and decided to go my own way.
Yes, it is scary. Yes, it means we are on a shoestring budget for a while until the business is up and running. And yes, working from home means distractions to sort out homework, internecine warfare, and the endless, relentless nag nag in the back of the head about household chores that need attention.
Yes- it is also lonely at times, with no-one around to bounce ideas off, no-one to delegate to, and no-one to chat to about how things are going. However, I believe these things will change in time as successes come along and the business grows. And networking is a great way to overcome the loneliness.
But - it is also empowering.
We hear about more and more women starting up on their own. I believe this is a reaction to the invisible barriers that exist within corporate organisations and that hold back working mums. I believe this because I have heard it time and again from female friends who have had similar experiences to my own.
What you are doing is fantastic. It is what industry and commerce need. For every 'good' employer out there, there must be a good handful which do not understand the valuable contribution that working mothers can make.
Keep up the good work!
This is a truly wonderful and heart-felt story Jo and one I have heard many many times (sadly) With you permission I would like to use re-print it if I may? I will keep it anonymous but it is very important that employers hear these messages
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