Sir Stuart Rose says you've never had it so good
Well, all I can say is I would love to have a personal conversation with Sir Rose about Gender IQ and, yes, we do have women represented in most areas of work but ....and this is a big but...very few women, if any got to the top without feeling that they had to compromise their identity and literally morph into a bloke in a skirt.
It is time to widen the acceptable range of Leadership styles so that women can lead as women with a unique set of skills, traits and abilities.
Enough on that. Onto you and your 7 keys for increasing effectiveness. How have you been getting on implementing keys 1&2? I have had some lovely emails from people. Thank you, it is gratifying to know that this blog is helping you.
Tool Number 1: Communicate clearly and explicitly
Tool Number 2: Consistent Execution
Third Tool for Increasing Effectiveness: Manage yourself not your time
I have been re-thinking this whole subject because I have a lot of projects on the go at the moment and I am creating new products, writing a book, bringing you new web casts and being a great single parent Mum to my three daughters. Oh, and because I want to have 'it all' I am also committed to my health and fitness and having an exciting social life too.
Is it easy? Yes, but it requires discipline and the rewards far outweigh any downside associated with 'managing me'
Managing yourself is a big topic and includes both the philosophical and the practical. Next week I will focus on the practical, such as, best use of time and I will bring you some tips on terminating time-wasting discussions and controlling telephone and email.
However, before we get into the practical, we need the right mind-set. Women often look at their diaries and schedules and think 'there is no way I have time for the gym or my friends' and they leave themselves out. Bad decision!
It is vital that you take care of you first. If you don't take care of yourself you will be no good to anybody else and the impact will be felt in all of your relationships at work and at home. You must schedule time for exercise and relaxation into your diary first. Think about what sustains you and gives you energy and then ask yourself if you have more of that energy would you be more effective at work? Happy people are productive people.
Plan your week before it starts and plan each day before it starts and make 'me time' a golden rule that you never break.
I only ever speak passionately on a subject when I have direct experience of it. Like the pendulum that swings each way I know how effective I am when I am in a peak physical state and I know how ineffective I am when I tell myself the story that 'it doesn't matter' of 'I haven't got time' ....discipline weighs ounces but regret weighs tons.
Live with passion!
posted by Tracey Carr at
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