7 Tools for increasing effectivness
Onwards then with my promise to deliver the 7 Tools for Increasing Effectiveness. The first tool was communicate clearly and remember I gave you some practical steps to effective communication and I also said that you must master the inner game. How has that been going? It is so easy to let the 'chattering voice' take over at times of stress. However, blocking out unsupportive inner dialogue is a habit and it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. Give it a go!
The second tool for increasing effectiveness is consistent execution
So, you have communicated your vision to your team and everybody is fired up and ready to go. Everybody knows their role and responsibilities and you have clearly communicated your outcome and time-line.
And then.... everybody starts running around like a headless chicken! There is a big difference between being productive and being active. I would go so far as to say that lack of consistent execution is the death knell to many great plans and visions.
Put simply the basis of execution is to have 1. A plan 2. Communicate the plan and 3. Be explicit about tasks and not just outcomes. Develop a system that tracks progress on weekly tasks. Colour code for importance and colour code for progress i.e. yellow for 'in progress' green for 'complete and red for 'overdue' Share this spreadsheet with your team weekly or even daily so that everybody remains on target and accountable to each other.
Finally, in order to grow you must give up control. Release control by delegating not abdicating. You cannot abdicate responsibility but you must trust that the person you have delegated to will do the job and do the job well. You will know if they need extra support or knowledge because you will have created the systems for tracking as described above.
If all of this makes you groan then remember what George Bernard Shaw said 'Doing what needs to be done may not make you happy but it will make you great'
Live with passion!
posted by Tracey Carr at
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