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My name is Tracey Carr, and I run eve-olution and Gender IQ to advance women in business. My blog is an insider's view of the lives of working women, including my own, revealing the top secrets to success.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Dealing with trauma

This is a bit off-side from my normal blogs and ramblings about effectiveness and manifesting results. The reason that  I have gone off piste today is because so much of what I am teaching and coaching at the moment is helping people come to terms with past trauma.

It seems to me that this is a time of great change and it  is bringing up all sorts of 'stuff' from the past and even forcing us to deal with untruth in the present. If you can relate to what I am saying then please do watch this short video which is a strategy for dealing with past trauma. And if you know somebody who is suffering please share this with them.

Post script ...I have had an amazing weekend meeting the wonderful Dr Karambu I am very excited about her work in Nairobi and I want to help her. You can help her too and together we can do more than we can do alone. You can read about her here

If you are interested in forming a group of women leaders supporting women and children in Africa please email me tracey@eve-olution.net

posted by Tracey Carr at


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Location: Guildford

International Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach. Tracey has a passion for advancing women in the workplace. Tracey ran her first Seminar for Women Leaders in 2001 and has helped thousands of women around the world with their careers, dreams and aspirations. Working with hundreds of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies who are keen to advance women in enterprise, Tracey's seminars and initiatives have been enthusiastically received on 3 continents. She continues to push for radical change in corporations and backs up her respected and sometimes controversial opinions with her ongoing research. Tracey is currently writing a book that will address gender, power, and politics for women in the workplace and at home. Tracey is available for key-note talks, conferences and forums.

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